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S. Prithvika

S. Prithvika

Dr. S. Prithvika is currently employed as an assistant professor at Loyola Academy, Hyderabad. She was awarded her PhD in 2019 from Central University of Rajasthan. Her PhD focused on the need to read writings by women beyond the lens of Feminism. For which, she had explored the writings of Shashi Deshpande. Shashi Deshpande at several interviews had mentioned that she might be a feminist, but her writings are not necessarily so. This prompted the urge for her to read the author's writings beyond the lens of feminism, and that lens was existentialism, specifically Camus existentialism. Dr.S.Prithvika’s research areas of interest include: Gender and Literature, Queer Studies, Indian Women Writing in English and Western Critical Tradition.